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Hop Forms and Whirlpooling

If you’ve been home brewing for any amount of time it’s likely you have come across the debate on whether whole hops or pellet hops are better for brewing with. Each offers their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. In today’s Weekly Mash, Dave from our UK office talks about the pros and cons of these […]

SMASH Brewing, Blending & Other Experiments

The theory is that doing a single malt, single hop beer you can really get to know a particular hop and come to grips with its character without ‘muddying the waters’ with other malts and hops. With this in mind we caught up with JK who shared some of his experience and tips for brewing, […]

Improving Yeast Performance for Big ABV beers

Finding a yeast that provides all of the characteristics you want, whilst achieving a high ABV can be a tricky job. This week we caught up with JK who shared a technique he uses to improve yeast performance when brewing big ABV beers, read about it below. “One of the main problems that brewers face […]

A Guide to Cropping Yeast

Cropping yeast is something that is very common in commercial breweries because of a regular brewing pattern and the savings that can be made not having to pay for yeast every time you brew. This was also something JK was very familiar with in a commercial setting, whether that’s cropping from the bottom of a […]

Brewing for Clarity

One of the most frustrating things when buying beer can be pouring the beer (being careful to not disturb the sediment if there is some) and it coming out of the glass looking like mud, or even worse, buying a beer in the pub and it looks the same. We know that its currently en […]